Saturday, August 30, 2014


Well, if all goes according to plan, I will wake up (that is if I sleep at all next week) next Saturday with a brand new Marine!  Such crazy emotions going on!  Pride in him for the choice that he has made but sad also, because my "baby" has left home.  I cannot wait to meet the man and Marine that my son has become:)

I know sending my second recruit to them next summer won't be any easier, but I also know that his little brother is his biggest inspiration!  Happy 24th birthday, Jamie -- I know your brother is wishing you the same.  It won't be long until we can celebrate with him.  I am immensely proud of you also.

I had a letter on Thursday and he included a silver cross necklace.  In his letter, he told me to "Take care of the necklace because it was mine now".  I can't wait to hear the story behind that comment.

We most likely won't get more mail, with The Crucible and graduation so close at hand, but I sure can hope.  I'll still be writing for a few more days, but think that mid-week will be my last - they won't get to him before I do.  Strangely, I think it will be difficult to stop writing the letters because, in a way, I feel like I am able to "talk" to him through them. 

One of my students wrote a letter to him for me to mail, but thinking I will save it to make sure he gets it when he gets home.  In it, she asked him if Parris Island was "BUTTIFUL".  I had to inwardly laugh and say to her "He probably thinks so".

Well, the lists are being made, hotel is reserved, and car is rented. 

Please keep both Warren Dudley and Logan in your prayers, as well as the rest of the recruits of 3rd Battalion as they embark on their crucible week. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Halfway to Marine!


Well, he's halfway to Marine!  They will start week 7 tomorrow and in just 38 days, 10 hours we will get to see him!  We got our graduation packet this week and a letter on Saturday.  Each letter shows me the change that he is going through - he sounds more determined than ever. 

Today, there was another picture!  I can't tell you how relieved and happy it makes me to "see" him.  Thankfully, it's about time to get back into the classroom - exactly 4 weeks from the day we start back to school, he will graduate.  I'm sure that being crazy busy with school starting will help those last few weeks go as quickly as possible.

Hotel is reserved and car is rented.  Now, I'm making lists - lists of things to order and take with us.  Of course, he is helping me out with that because he sending me a list of food he wants for our family day picnic.  Anyone want to make a donation to the Oreo fund?!?

It is amazing to me what he has been able to endure.  One thing he mentioned was rappelling off the tower.  He said that his experiences at Carowinds had helped him with the height - he may just get a trip while he's home. 

Please keep all of the recruits in your thoughts and prayers.

He's the one in the fashionable glasses:)